Work Order Templates allow users to pre-select different aspects of the work order to simplify and automate the work order creation process. This brings  a new view to the Administration > Service Capabilities section.

Filtering of Service Capabilities

The Service Capabilities screen has a new interface. Above the table of capabilities there are a list of filters:

1. Visibility (All, Public, Employees Only, Invisible) which filters service levels by the visibility setting set in the Identification tab of the x service level(s) section

2. Capability filters by a specific service type, which was chosen when the capability was initially created

3. Product Type filters capabilities by associated product type set from the Assets & Product Types section in the left panel of the service capability template

4. Company Site can be used to filter by the service capabilities that are linked to certain sites from the Applicability tab

5. Applicability drop downs have the lists of options for master and service applicability that target the template checkboxes "Selectable as MASTER", "Selectable as SERVICE" and "Apply Service As Master template".

  • Master N/A = NOT Selectable as MASTER
  • Master Template = Selectable as MASTER
  • Service N/A = NOT Selectable as SERVICE
  • Service Template = Selectable as SERVICE
  • Service + Master = Selectable as SERVICE and Applied as MASTER

Applicability and Submission

Template applicability and submission tab defines the work order submission rules for a template.

Identification contains basic information about the template and visibility drop down with options of Visible, Employees Only and Invisible. New template should be created as Invisible in order to avoid selection of the semi-configured template by the users. Once the template is configured, it should be made visible explicitly.

Direct Link
The direct link allows users to create a company link for starting a work order on a specific template.

Applicability tab defines when this particular template is selectable.

Selectable as SERVICE TEMPLATE option allows the template to appear in the service level selection for individual work items. This relates to everything under the "Service Configuration" section in the left panel.

Selectable as MASTER TEMPLATE option allows the template to be selected from a list of templates in the work order (for vendors only). This list is available under the Service Site and only when the applicable Site is selected (i.e. the list of templates is filtered by site). This also relates to everything under the "Process Configuration" section in the left panel.

Apply as Master Template option applies (adds) all order-level options (Tasks & Requests, Report Definitions, Parts & Charges) to the order.

Target / Customer 
Target/Customer filters specifies whether the template is selectable for a client order, internal order, or when submitting a request to vendor.

Submission Rules

All options in Submission Rules manage the location options (Logistics Tab of the work order) and confirmation screens when submitting an order

Order-Level Tasks & Requests

The Tasks and Requests screen allows users to create a pre-defined list of order-level tasks to be populated when the work order template is applied.

When the template is applied as a MASTER template, the tasks are created in the work order automatically.


Report Definitions

Reports are now turned on via the Report Definitions tab. They can be turned on for all or just certain service levels at the order and asset level.

Parts & Charges

Parts and Charges can now be pre-selected in the new work order template configuration. To add any parts or charges to a template, click into the 'Parts & Charges' screen for your selected service capability.

When "Add Service Charge" button is clicked, a list of existing service charges is displayed to choose from. This list is configured in the Pricing Section. Once the charge is added, the quantity can be adjusted.

When a new work order is created based on this template, the selected charges are added to the order immediately along with the most current pricing.
When multiple templates are applied, the charges are applied with one of the following rules:

Order/Combine - charge counts are summed up
Order/First - first charge is picked and not updated when the second charge with the same name is applied
Order/Last - new charge with the same name always overwrites the previous charge
Order/Min - the charge with smaller total price is kept
Order/Max - the charge with larger total price is kept
Item - charge added to the item level only if the template is applied as SERVICE template

Parts are associated with the template in a similar way. When Add Part or Add Product button is clicked a Product Selection dialog appears.

Technique & Uncertainty

The Technique section allows users to define various techniques for the company and associated uncertainty budgets and certification CMC scope values in one screen.

This screen is not specific to the current template, it displays company-wide techniques. Specific techniques can be selected under each measurement parameter.

The drop down list of techniques lists the techniques assigned to some measurements in the current template on top and indicate how many measurements are assigned:

These techniques will show in the Measurement Parameter:

Uncertainty Budgets

Budgets can now be created through the techniques section. Budgets that are expired have an expiration date highlighted in red. Budgets that are linked to a site that are not assigned to this template have the site name in red. Both can be filtered out by the "Hide..." checkbox. Steps to create budgets and CMCs have not changed and can be found here: CMCs and Uncertainty Budgets

Measurement Forms

Measurement parameters are created within the Measurement Forms section of a capability. There are now expanded features in addition to the ones outlined here: Service Levels.

In the Form tab, the actual parameters can be added/edited. In the Measurements tab, the measured value name can now be titled so on the as found/left screens of a work item, this name shows instead of Expected Value:

The Conversion/Rounding tab allows rounding rules to be set for a variety of stagnant or calculated values.

Side note: The other tabs not mentioned in this article are the same as explained in the Service Levels article linked above.

Within the Measurement Forms section, click on the Conversion & Rounding Formulas tab to set the rounding rules:

An expression for the rule can be set using the same expression types found in the uncertainty budgets: Uncertainty Budget Expression Types Explained. In the example below, if this rule were set to be the nominal/expected value in the Conversion/Rounding tab of the parameter, the nominal would become the air buoyancy + 1.

Various rounding types can also be set:

  • No Rounding - apply no rounding to the conversion result
  • Decimal Places - sets specific number of decimal places specified in the Rounding Parameter, padding with trailing zeroes if necessary
  • Significant Figures - rounds to specified number of significant figures specified in the Rounding Parameter
  • Nearest Unit - rounds to the nearest unit specified in the Rounding Parameter (e.g. nearest 0.5 will produce values like 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 etc); note: do not use rounding method if this one is chosen. An example of the nearest unit set up is here:
    value 7.35 (nearest unit 0.5) -> round(7.35/0.5) * 0.5 = 7.5
    value 55 (nearest unit 20) -> round(55/20) * 20 = 60
  • Standard Deviation Precision - rounds to the first significant digit of the standard deviation (for multiple readings only). Rounding Parameter should not be used. This option can only be applied to the Mean calculation in the Conversion/Rounding tab of the measurement parameter.
  • Asset Attribute Significand - number of decimal places set is taken from the number of decimal places in the value of the asset attribute specified by the Rounding Parameter
  • Tool Attribute Significand - number of decimal places is taken from the number of decimal places in the the value of the tool attribute specified by Rounding Parameter
  • Tool Resolution - works the same way as the Nearest Unit, but the unit is taken from the current tool's range Resolution parameter. More about tool range is here: Tool Range. The value is then padded with 0s to have the same number of decimal places set. For example, if tool resolution is 0.25 and the value read is 2.001, it is first rounded to 2 (nearest 0.25) and then padded to 2.00.
  • Asset Resolution - works the same way as the Nearest Unit, but the unit is taken from the current Unit Under Test Resolution attribute.

For more information about Sevice Capabilities go here.