
Qualer defines "tools" as assets used for calibration processes and maintenance such as reference standards, environmental sensors, controlled environments, & scientific instruments. This specialized definition diverges from the generic understanding of tools. In Qualer, tools are categorized based on their roles in the calibration and measurement processes, enhancing their utility and integration. This article explains each tool type and its functions.

Tool Roles

By assigning the appropriate role to each asset, you enhance your asset management system's functionality and effectiveness in Qualer.

Reference Standard

Reference Standards are pivotal in calibration events, serving as benchmarks with certified measurement accuracies. They are instrumental in calibrating other tools and equipment. Assets vital for calibrating other tools should be registered as Reference Standards. This category is for tools that maintain high measurement integrity and set or verify standards.

Environmental Sensor

These sensors monitor environmental conditions like temperature, humidity, and pressure during calibration events, impacting the accuracy and reliability of measurements. Assets primarily recording environmental data that influence calibration outcomes should be designated as Environmental Sensors, ensuring environmental variables are considered in the calibration process.

Controlled Environment

This category encompasses assets like refrigerators or climate-controlled rooms, maintaining specific conditions to preserve other assets' integrity. Registering an asset as a Controlled Environment is essential if it's used for storing sensitive materials under controlled conditions, especially in research and healthcare settings.

Scientific Instrument

This role is used for assets that have tool ranges but are not used as reference standards. Scientific Instruments have the configuration flexibility of asset ranges (similar to tool ranges) and uncertainties but do not appear as tools in the asset manager or work orders.

My Tools

You can easily see all assets that are assigned to tool roles using the"Tools" filter in the top right of the asset manager.

Assets with a role will have an additional icon indicating their first assigned role. You can click this icon to quickly navigate to the asset's roles.

Assigning an Asset to a Tool Role 

Qualer's tool roles allow you to address different calibration scenarios and use cases. Properly assigning an asset to a tool role is a critical step in leveraging the full potential of Qualer's asset management system. This process not only categorizes your assets but also tailors their functions to meet specific calibration and operational needs. Here's how to assign an asset to a tool role effectively:

  1. Accessing the Asset Management Interface:
    • Begin by navigating to the Asset Manager in Qualer’s system.
    • Identify the asset you wish to assign a role to.
  2. Understanding Asset Roles:
    • Familiarize yourself with the different tool roles available in Qualer (See "Tool Roles" above). Understanding each role's function and utility is crucial for accurate assignment. Consider the primary function and usage of the asset. Does it measure environmental conditions, act as a reference standard, or offer multi-range measurements?
  3. Assigning the Role:
    • Click on the asset’s Serial Number to open the "Asset info" dialog/popup.
    • Navigate to the 'Role' tab within this dialog.
    • Use the "Register As..." button to assign the chosen role to your asset.
  4. Review and Verification:
    • After assigning the role, review the asset/tool details to ensure the role aligns with the asset's capabilities and intended use.
    • Verify that all necessary attributes and operational ranges are accurately inputted and correspond to the asset's new role.
    • Once satisfied with the role assignment and asset details, finalize your changes.

For a comprehensive guide on how to configure roles, please refer to this guide.