Step 1. Log in to your sponsored Qualer platform, and review the Work Order by hovering your mouse over “Service” and selecting “Work Order”.
Step 2. Open the New Work Order by clicking on the order number:
Step 3. Accept the order to enter the results and attach the certificates:
Step 4. Click into the “Order Detail View” where the results can be added to each item and certificates can be attached:
Step 5. Select the first item in the order:
Step 6. Click the “Commence Wok”
Step 7. Click the “As Found” and “As Left” toggles to indicate whether the results of the service were “PASS”, “FAIL”, or “N/A”. Enter Service comment in the text box below as needed:
Step 8. Click “Labels & Reports” to attach the appropriate calibration certificate to this unit. Ensure the Completion Date and Next Service Date are correctly displayed, click “Browse…” and attach the PDF report.
Note: Repeat Step 5 – Step 8 until all items in the order have been completed.
Step 9. Click “Complete Order” in the upper right corner of the screen to return the order back to your client for sign-off:
The Completed Order is now ready for the Client to Review: