After you have created a service request on behalf of your client, as a vendor this request will now appear in your Work Order portion of your portal. To begin processing this work order, let’s begin by entering the service module on your portal. 

First, hover over Service and click on Work Orders. Now you will enter the work order screen in your portal, where you will be able to see all work orders assigned to your company. From the list select the order number you would like to process to get started. 





After selecting the order, you can now see all the assets associated with that order. Since you have already configured the service description when you requested the service, all the information regarding service should be inputted. Under the Work Details tab you can select the technician who will service the assets in this order. To do this select the dashes under Fulfilled By. 





Now you will be able to select from a list of technicians in your company. If the technician name appears in the list select the name and click “OK”. 




If the technician's name doesn't appear in the first pop-up window, select the Select from company directory option. Click OK. Find the employee you want to assign, click their name then click Select Employee. 





Now when you return to work details, you should see the technicians name under “fulfilled by”. After you have completed entering information on the “work details” page, select ”logistics”. 


Note: On the “work details” page you will be able to see all of the notes and requests that you have entered on behalf of your client. 




you are also able to select the service type at the work order's fulfillment stage. This includes one-time service, maintenance plans, and the ability to change back and forth. In the service order, click the hyperlinked service type under the service description column 



A pop up will show the available maintenance plans for the asset and "One-time service". 




Select the maintenance plan/task and it will change in the work order! The service can be changed back and forth as needed 



On the Logistics tab you will be able to select where this service event is taking place and the identified time frame the service should be completed in. Here are the different logistic options explained: 


  • On Site - services are performed at the client address 

  • Local Pick-Up - services are performed at the service provider's lab after picking up equipment from the client address 

  • Ship to Vendor - services are performed at the service provider's lab after being shipped by the client 


Since you have created this order on behalf of your client, you will have already entered this information when producing the service request. Next, as the vendor you will want to enter the Schedule tab. 


Note: Even though information is already inputted, you may edit and add to this information. After editing the information, the Update Logistics Information button in the left corner will become accessible and you can click it to save the new information. 






In the Schedule tab you can enter information about the timeline for the work. You can select the start and end date, as well as the hours the technicians will be on site. By selecting the “+” you can assign additional technicians to this assignment. After you have completed items this page click Update and next you will move to the Billing tab. 





Once in the Billing tab, you can edit the client billing information regarding this order. After updating billing information select Update and you will now move to Invoices & Collections. 


Note: this information was pulled from the service request so may already be inputted but you can edit it on behalf of your client if needed. 






Next you will enter the Invoices & Collections tab. Here you can update pricing information. In the yellow box, all pricing in “blue” can be edited and manually overridden by selecting the charge. On this page, you will also be able to send an invoice to your client with updated pricing and discounts. After updating the information, select History & Notes. 




In the History & Notes tab, you as the vendor will be able to review all the changes that were made to an order. As changes are made to the order (in this case assignments), a list will build with the new information as well as the user who made the changes. This allows you to have accountability and reference for all changes made.   



Along the left side of the Work Order screen, the Key Work Order Milestones will be visible. 







After completing, History & Notes, this order can now enter fulfillment (allowing your technician to begin servicing). To send this order to fulfillment, select the blue Move To Fulfillment button to the right of your screen. After sending your order to fulfillment, select the green Order Detail View button to begin servicing these assets. 




You will now enter a screen like the one below. You should be able to see all your assets in this order, as well as who they are assigned too. To begin servicing select one of your assets by clicking on the blue/green Select button under assets. 


Note: As the technician assigned to this order, you will be able to add comments under “technician comments” for your client to see. 





After selecting the asset, you will now begin servicing. Before starting, click the yellow Commence Work button. By doing so you will now be able to edit the Work Status and assign a service level (if previously not selected when creating the order). 





To change the work status, select the status. After doing so, you will be able to choose from a list of pre-configured labels (you can add different statuses in your administration module).  Next, select In Progress (or the relevant custom status) prior to clicking into the As Found screen. 


Note: Regardless of the work status you choose, unless all assets in the order have been completed this order will not be complete. 





In As Found, you can enter data regarding the service of the asset. Here you will be able to add or edit specifications as well as add environmental conditions. Once you have entered all the information you will get either a pass or fail result for “as found”. 





After completing “as found” you will enter the data for “as left”. This would be the data collected after the instrument was properly serviced. In this page, you can copy the specifications for the instrument from as found by selecting “copy from as found”. Once the work has been completed, you can change the “work status” to “completed”. After inputting as left data, you can select “parts and labor”. 





On this page, you will be able to add any parts or additional labor that were used for this instrument. For example, if a part was broken and you replaced it, the technician could add it here along with its price. Next, select “labels and reports”. 





In “labels and reports” you can produce reports regarding the assets and print instrument labels. If information regarding the asset has changed you can also update that information here, prior to printing the label. 

In the ‘Labels & Reports’ section of the fulfillment UI you can also view and select Reference Standards being used for calibration. 



Users can select more than one reference standard through the new ‘Multi-Select’ button. 



 Next, you will move to the “charges” page. 


Note: certain reports will require the order to pass QC before they can be produced. 



In charges, you will be able to see all charges associated with the asset that was serviced. The “service charges” will pull from the service level information. If any additional parts or labor charges were added to the asset they will appear here. If at any point your prices have changed, you can update these by selecting “override charges” and manually entering the new charges. 





You will complete this entire process for all assets assigned to you in an order. After completing these steps, you can now select the order icon and return to the order view. All the work statuses should be updated to “completed” and all results will appear here as well. Before selecting the green “complete order” button, you will want to ensure all the tasks under “work detail” have been completed. By selecting the drop down menu, you can choose from a list of preconfigured responses.  If all the information is correct, you can now complete the order. 






After selecting “complete order” you will receive a message to confirm you would like to send the order to Quality Control. Select “ok” the complete sending the order to QC. 





To access this order in QC, return to your work orders page. Under “in-progress” select “quality control” and select your order number. 





Once QC has been completed and the assets have passed, select the blue “quality control passed” button on the right side of your screen (in your toolbox). 





Once again, you will get a notification to approve this action. Select “ok” to complete this work order. 





Now your order will be in what Qualer calls a “vendor-sign off” stage. This will give you as the vendor an opportunity to produce proper documentation such as reports as well as get proper approval prior to submitting the order back to the client. 


To generate a report, click on the “Documents” and choose the report from the drop down menu on the right side of your screen. Here you will be able to select from a list of reports that you have imported. Once you have produced a report, it will appear in your “document list”.  Once you have completed producing all reports, you can click “submit to client” to send the order to the client. 


Note: Reports are created at both the asset and order level. Order level reports appear under the “document list” and asset level reports are accessible by selecting the document icon under the “results”. 



After submitting the order to the client, you will receive another notification to officially “sign off” the work order. Click “ok” to submit the order to your client. 





Now that you have completed processing this order you will be waiting for your client to sign off the order. This order will then be accessible under “client sign-off” in your work order module. Following your client approving this order, the order will move to “completed orders” and remain there for reference. 




You have now completed processing a work order for your client.