Steps to Process a Work Order in Qualer:

  • Access Work Orders:

    • Hover over Service and select Work Orders.
    • In the work order screen, select the order number you want to process.
  • Assign Technician:

    • Under the Work Details tab, select the dashes under Fulfilled By.
    • Choose a technician from the list. If the technician is not listed:
      • Click Select from the company directory.
      • Find the employee, click their name, and select Select Employee.
  • Review Service Information:

    • Check all service details that were pre-configured during the service request.
    • Review notes and requests under Work Details.
  • Select Service Type:

    • Click the hyperlinked service type under the Service Description column.
    • Choose from available Maintenance Plans or One-time service.
    • The selected service type will appear in the work order.

  • Logistics Setup:

    • Under the Logistics tab, review or update the location and timeframe for the service.
    • Options include On Site, Local Pick-Up, or Ship to Vendor.
    • If changes are made, click Update Logistics Information.

  • Schedule the Service:

    • Under the Schedule tab, set the start/end date and technician hours.
    • Click + to add more technicians if needed.
    • Click Update after completing scheduling details.

  • Update Billing Information:

    • Under the Billing tab, review or update billing information for the order.
    • Click Update once changes are made.

  • Invoices & Collections:

    • Under the Invoices & Collections tab, review pricing information.
    • Click on any charge in blue to edit and manually override pricing if necessary.
    • After updating, proceed to History & Notes.

  • Review History & Notes:

    • In the History & Notes tab, review all changes made to the order, including the user who made them.
    • The Key Work Order Milestones will be visible along the left side of the screen.

  • Move to Fulfillment:

    • Click the Move To Fulfillment button.
    • Click the Order Detail View button to start servicing the assets.

  • Begin Servicing Assets:

    • Select an asset by clicking the Select button under Assets.
    • Click Commence Work to begin servicing.
    • Update the Work Status and assign a service level if needed.
    • Choose a status from the pre-configured list.
  • Enter As Found Data:

    • Input the data for the asset in the As Found screen.
    • Record any specifications or environmental conditions.
    • The system will provide a pass/fail result for "As Found."
  • Enter As Left Data:

    • Input post-service data in the As Left section.
    • You can copy data from "As Found" by selecting Copy from As Found.
    • Change the Work Status to Completed after inputting the information.

  • Add Parts & Labor:

    • Go to Parts and Labor to add any parts or additional labor costs.
    • Once done, proceed to Labels and Reports.

  • Generate Labels & Reports:

    • In Labels and Reports, produce and print labels or generate asset reports.
    • View and select Reference Standards for calibration using the multi-select option.

  • Review Service Charges:

    • On the Charges page, review all charges related to the serviced asset.
    • If needed, click Override Charges to update the pricing manually.

  • Complete the Work Order:

    • After servicing all assets, return to the order view.
    • Ensure all tasks under Work Details are completed.
    • Select Complete Order and confirm sending the order to Quality Control (QC).

  • Quality Control (QC):

    • Go to the Work Orders page, select In Progress, and then select Quality Control.
    • After QC is passed, click Quality Control Passed to complete the work order.

  • Vendor Sign-Off:

    • Generate reports by selecting Documents and choosing the report from the dropdown menu.
    • Once reports are produced, click Submit to Client to send the order.

  • Client Sign-Off:

    • After submitting the order, wait for the client to approve.
    • Once approved, the order will move to Completed Orders for future reference.