Steps to Generate a Recall Report or a Custom Report
Generate a Recall Report:
- Click on "Manage Client" under the "SERVICE" menu in the top navigation bar.
- Review the overview of assets that are Due for Service or Past Due within your client accounts.
- Adjust the time frame by modifying the filter parameters as needed.
- Identify the client that requires a Recall Report and click the Assets Due tally in the table.
- In the Client Account Asset Manager, select the assets to be recalled by checking the adjacent checkboxes.
- Click "Export Selection to Excel..." in the TOOLBOX on the right side of the page.
- The Excel report will download, which can then be saved and emailed to your client.
Building a Custom Report:
- Select the assets that need to be included in the report.
- Add them to the Quick Collection folder by clicking the "+" next to the asset list.
- Add additional assets, like Past Due assets, by selecting them and clicking the "+" in the Quick Collection.
- Ensure all assets are added by checking the Quick Collection count.
- Select all items in the Quick Collection folder.
- Click "Export Selection to Excel..." in the TOOLBOX on the right side of the screen to download the custom report.