Steps to Generate a Recall Report or a Custom Report

Generate a Recall Report:

  1. Click on "Manage Client" under the "SERVICE" menu in the top navigation bar.
  2. Review the overview of assets that are Due for Service or Past Due within your client accounts.
  3. Adjust the time frame by modifying the filter parameters as needed.
  4. Identify the client that requires a Recall Report and click the Assets Due tally in the table.
  5. In the Client Account Asset Manager, select the assets to be recalled by checking the adjacent checkboxes.
  6. Click "Export Selection to Excel..." in the TOOLBOX on the right side of the page.
  7. The Excel report will download, which can then be saved and emailed to your client.

Building a Custom Report:

  1. Select the assets that need to be included in the report.
  2. Add them to the Quick Collection folder by clicking the "+" next to the asset list.
  3. Add additional assets, like Past Due assets, by selecting them and clicking the "+" in the Quick Collection.
  4. Ensure all assets are added by checking the Quick Collection count.
  5. Select all items in the Quick Collection folder.
  6. Click "Export Selection to Excel..." in the TOOLBOX on the right side of the screen to download the custom report.