Creating an Asset-less Service Order

  1. Navigate to Service Request:

    • From the main Dashboard page, click on "Make Service Request" in the Toolbox on the right.
  2. Skip Asset Selection:

    • Leave the "ASSETS" tab blank and click "Next" to proceed to the "WORK DETAILS" tab.
  3. Specify Work Provider:

    • In the Work Details tab, select whether the service will be done by an Internal Department or an External Vendor.
    • Note: If an external vendor is requesting service on behalf of a customer, your company will be set as the default Service Provider.
  4. Add Tasks in Additional Requests:

    • Use the "Additional Requests" field to list tasks that need to be performed.
    • After entering each task, click "Add".
    • Once all tasks are added, click "Next".
  5. Complete and Review:

    • Complete the remaining screens as needed.
    • Add any additional notes in the "Review" tab before finalizing the order.