Events & Notification Overview

Users can adjust the templates for all notification events within the "Notifications Settings" section found on the Administration page. You can access the notification settings by navigating to Administration > Configuration > Notification Settings. These notifications serve both internal and external communication purposes and can be triggered by various events such as orders, assets, services, and more.

Two Types of Notification Settings.

1. Subscription Events

These are the events that internal employees sign up for in the Events & Notifications tab of their profile.

2. Direct Communications

These are the notifications that are sent by a click of a button (e.g. Send Invitation in the employee profile, Send Email button from a work order).


NOTE: To review the description of each Events & Notifications template, kindly refer to the attached document on this article.

Display a list of all Notifications


  1. Go to the Administration section and click on Configuration.
  2. Choose the desired notification settings, either Subscription Events or Direct Communications.
  3. From the Group drop-down box, select "All Groups" to apply the settings universally across all groups.

Allow to Manage Notification Templates with variables


  1. Go to the Administration section and click on Configuration.
  2. On the left sidebar, choose either Direct Communications or Subscription Events.
  3. Select the specific notification you wish to manage from the available options.
  4. Within the notification editor, locate and utilize the variable drop-down menu.
  5. Insert the desired parameter into the notification template using the variable drop-down menu.

Select a Notification to manage

Use the variable drop-down to insert a parameter into the template.

Allow users to Edit the Common Header and Footer


  1. Go to the Administration section and click on Configuration.
  2. On the left sidebar, choose either Direct Communications or Subscription Events.
  3. Select desired notification settings, either Subscription Events or Direct Communications. 
  4. Click on "Edit Common Header and Footer".

Create Custom Client Communications


  1. Go to the Administration section and click on Configuration.
  2. On the left sidebar, choose Direct Communications.
  3. Select "Add Custom Event".
  4. Select the Event type.

Event Types

These new templates should then appear in the Send Email section related to event types selected in the Custom Event.

Users can also send custom direct communication to their client in the Managed Clients section in the Service menu using the Toolbox once the assets are selected.