Steps to Access and Manage the Service Records Module:
- Hover over "ASSETS" and click "Service Records".
- Review service records in the module, including the "Plan / Due" column, which shows the maintenance plan linked to each record.
- Click on a maintenance plan to filter records by that specific plan.
- Click the "Service Records by Asset" icon to view records for a specific asset.
- To view service records from the Maintenance Plan page, click the "Serviced Total" number.
Curation of Asset Service Records:
- If Change Control is enabled, a Change Management block will appear on the Service Record screen.
- When records are added, modified, or deleted, a shield icon will appear in the "Date/Next" column.
- Click the shield icon to view changes in the asset service record pop-up.
Additional Features:
Export Service Records to Excel:
- Select records and click "Export Selection to Excel".
Bulk-Edit Service Records:
- Select records, click "Bulk Edit and Import", download the file, make changes, save, and import it back.
- Download Certificates as a ZIP File.
- Select records and click "Download documents as Zip" to export documents attached to multiple service records.