User Guide: Deleting or Retiring Assets in Qualer
Users can efficiently manage their assets by either deleting or retiring them within the Qualer platform.

By following these step-by-step instructions, you can efficiently manage your assets within Qualer by deleting or retiring them as needed. 

Step 1: Access Assets.

  • Navigate to the "Assets" section within Qualer.

Step 2: Select Assets.

  • Identify the assets that need to be deleted or retired.
  • To select multiple assets, click the circle checkbox located to the left of each asset.

Step 3: Initiating Deletion/Retirement Process.

  • After selecting the desired assets, locate the "Delete/Retire Assets..." option on the right side of the screen and click it.

Step 4: Choosing Deletion or Retirement.

  • Upon clicking, you'll encounter two checkboxes.
    • Check the first checkbox if you wish to delete the assets. Note: Deletion is only possible if the assets do not have a history associated with them.
    • Alternatively, check the second checkbox to retire the assets.

Step 5: Setting Retirement Date.

  • If you opt to retire the assets, the date will default to the current day. To change it, click on the date field and select the desired date.
  • You will be prompted to provide a retirement reason for the action. Enter the reason in the designated field and click 'OK'.

Step 6: Confirmation.

  • After completing the necessary information, click "OK" to confirm the deletion or retirement of the selected assets.

Assets will be moved to the Asset Life Cycle "Retired" section.

If you need to "Unretire" an asset or, in other words, return it from retirement, please read the article Take an asset back into service from being retired  -