Bulk Generating Multiple Client Work Orders

For this feature, please contact support@qualer.com to enable this functionality in your portal.


To begin the process of generating multiple client work orders, navigate to the ‘Managed Assets’ screen:


On the Managed Assets screen you can filter based on your service site to view relevant assets:


Once you have applied all the necessary filters, click into either the Past Due or Due for Service buckets on the left-hand side of the screen. The generate multiple client orders function will only work from these 2 buckets.


Apply the appropriate date filter while in this view:



Next, select the assets you would like to generate work orders for. After you have them selected, click the Generate Multiple Orders… button on the right-hand side of the screen.


You will then see a pop-up screen like below. Click Start to begin generating the orders.


You will then see a confirmation message:


To view the newly created work orders, navigate to the Work Orders screen and click New Work Orders on the left-hand side of the screen.


Click into any work order number to view the order. If the maintenance plans of the asset has the service level pre-selected, it will be populated, otherwise it will need to be selected.