Qualer allows you to assign certificate numbers for all orders completed with a vendor outside of the platform, as well as assign certificate numbers to your tools for easy display on certificates.

Assigning Certificate Numbers to Assets:

  • Hover over ASSETS in the top navigation bar and click on Asset Manager.
  • Select the asset to update the Asset Service Record.
  • Go to the History Tab and click Add Service Record.
  • Enter the required information for the completed service under the "Schedule" and "Provider" tabs. Click Next to proceed to the next tab.
  • In the "Order" tab, you can manage the results and enter the Certificate Number for the asset.
  • To complete the Service Record, click Next and move through the remaining tabs ("Charges" and "Document").
    • You can add cost information for lifecycle management and upload PDFs for future reference in these tabs.

Updating Calibration Certificate Numbers for Tools:

  • Navigate to the ADMINISTRATION module and select Sites.
  • Select a Site Name and go to the Tool Manager by selecting Tools from the left-hand column.
  • Go to the Compliance tab and enter the Certificate Number for the tool.
  • After entering the necessary information, click Update to save the changes.

This process ensures that both your asset service records and tools are linked with certificate numbers, helping maintain compliance and making certificates easy to access.