In order to create an Internal Work Order, please, follow the steps below:

First, click into the Asset Manager 

You can use your asset status bar on the left side of the screen to find units that are Due for Service: 

Or, search for an asset by serial number or asset tag in the upper right corner of the screen: 

Select the assets you would like to have serviced and click "Make Service Request" in your TOOLBOX on the right side of the screen: 

NOTE: At any stage of the order you may save the order as a draft:  

If the service being requested is part of the asset's regular service plan, click on the "One-time service" to change it to the appropriate step: 

Then, click on the 'Work Details' tab.

This is a place where you can choose Work Order Assignee.

Do you want this work order to be Internal or External? Click on the 'Change' button:

For the Internal Work order select 'Internal Department/Employee' option > Click 'Continue'

Select the Internal Employee. You can make a search by the name of Employee and/or by the Department.

You also can click on the checkbox 'Display only employees in Service Technician Role" in order to enable this option.

After selecting, click on 'Select Employee'

You can also choose the Service Site.

Because the planned service event is linked to a Maintenance Plan, the information about the vendor and the service will automatically fill out on the next screen for the asset, you will need to select that information for the "one-time service":

You can select the service capability you need:

On the 'Logistics' tab you can fill out the information about the Owner and Location

Tab 'Review' allows you to check Service subtotal charges and also add Special requests & instructions: 

After you filled out all information, you can click on the 'Submit now' button and confirm  this action

Now your work order is created.