In order to remove client companies that will sever the client-vendor relationship follow the steps below:

First, hover over SERVICE in your top navigation bar > click "MANAGE CLIENTS".

Select the client you would like to remove.

Click 'Remove Clients...' on the right side of the screen in the TOOLBOX section:

In Qualer there are two options to remove client companies that will sever the client-vendor relationship.

1. Hide the client from the main search on the Client list.

2. Remove the client permanently.

Let's look at these options in more detail

1. "Mark As Hidden" button.

You may set client status to Hidden, which will remove the client company from the list but will allow the client to submit work orders in the future.

You will be able to see hidden clients selecting the "Hidden" option on the right side of the screen.

2. "Remove Permanently" button.

Removed clients will discard the client from the database and will no longer be able to submit work orders.

To un-hide a client do the following:

Hover over service > Click Manage Clients > Hidden

Once you have found your hidden client, click the client name. Click the Account tab and change the status of the client account from Hidden to Approved.