This is a Feature Updates article. All actual information about Products and Parts you can find here: Product Manager 

Qualer has implemented a newly designed Parts Module that will allow users to add parts and define which product models they are compatible with.  Parts can be managed in the Product Manager module of your platform and can be selected in the Work Order Fulfillment interface. 

The Qualer Parts Functionality will allow users to upload new parts, and bulk edit existing parts lists in excel.  This functionality will allow your company to utilize unique display parts numbers and names that can be quickly updated and re-imported to the platform:

The parts module will also allow you to differentiate between parts used and parts carried simply by configuring a Unit Sale Price in the Inventory tab of any item: 

You will continue to have the ability to update and assign part information (including images), using the Info tab:

In the new parts module, you will now be able to indicate part compatibility from as broad of categorization as an "instrument type" to as narrow a categorization as a specific model.  These compatibility configuration steps can be layered to for any individual part.  After configuration is complete, the part will only be available for the assigned compable instruments, manufacturers, product families or models: