
Qualer platform provides users with the ability to access detailed information about assets. This user guide explains how to view detailed Asset Information, to explore various aspects of an asset, including maintenance plans, lifecycle details, service history, roles, attributes, metrics, changes, and performance.

To access detailed asset information, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Asset Identifier

  • In the Serial/Tag/User column of the asset list, click on the asset identifier to open the asset information window.
  • Once the asset information window is open, you can navigate through different tabs to access specific details.

2. Maintenance Tab

  • Switch to this tab to view maintenance plans associated with the asset. The tab name will turn red if there is a service event past due.
  • Any service agreements that include this specific asset will be shown as well.

3. Lifecycle Tab

  • Review asset lifecycle information and depreciation graph on this tab.
  • Purchase and Sale information will be shown in the Cost & Value section

4. History Tab

  • Review asset service history, with service events sortable by the maintenance plan.

5. Role Tab

  • View any tool role assignments related to the asset.

6. Attributes Tab

  • View various attributes associated with the asset.

7. Asset Metrics Tab

  • View various metriceassociated with the asset.

8. Changes Tab

  • Review any changes made to the asset over time when Change Management is enabled

9. Performance Tab

  • View asset performance chart based on prior service events.

Additional Information

1. (2.9.8 Major Release) Asset Metrics