In this guide, we've outlined how to create and manage Pass/Fail measurements in Qualer, along with setting up custom fields to automate and streamline your workflow. Below is a more detailed overview of the process:

  1. Sign in to Qualer and Configure Company Setup: After logging in as a client, ensure that your company setup is enabled correctly and ready for service level creation.

  2. Create a Service Level: Start by creating a new parametrized service level in Qualer. This allows you to define how measurements will be handled, including the number of measurement points and the use of Pass/Fail logic.

  3. Set Up Measurement Points: You will add three preset measurement points, each with its own nominal value: To enable preset measurement points, make sure the ServiceMeasurement.PresetPoints setting is turned on. This will allow you to create specific points for your measurements.  

    • Pass Point with a nominal value of 12
    • N/A Point with a nominal value of 6
    • Fail Point with a nominal value of 4
  4. These points allow you to define what qualifies as a pass, failure, or undefined result for each measurement.

  5. Create Custom Fields for Pass/Fail Logic:

    • Calculated Status Field: This custom field automatically determines Pass/Fail status based on the nominal values you’ve set. The system will calculate whether a point passes or fails based on your input thresholds.
    • Manual Pass/Fail Field: This custom field allows you to manually override the system’s calculated result, giving you full control to set a Pass or Fail as needed.
  6. Create and Open a Work Order: Once your service level is set up, create a work order and select an associated asset. You can then go into the measurement tab, choose the appropriate service level, and edit any specifications. After saving, the system will calculate whether each point passes or fails based on the values you’ve configured.

  7. Automatically Recalculate Measurements: The system automatically checks each point (Pass, N/A, Fail) and recalculates the uncertainty. The results will be displayed for each measurement point, ensuring you have an accurate view of the status of each point.

  8. Manual Adjustments: If you need to override or adjust any point (such as changing the nominal value of a "Fail" point), you can manually enter a new test value. The system will recalculate the Pass/Fail result accordingly, ensuring that all measurements are up to date.

Key Benefits:

  • Automated Pass/Fail Logic: The system automatically calculates the Pass/Fail status based on your settings, saving time and reducing errors.
  • Manual Flexibility: You can still manually adjust Pass/Fail results if needed, giving you full control over the process.
  • Easy-to-Manage Measurement Points: Each point is clearly defined with a nominal value, ensuring consistency and accuracy in your service level measurements.

By following these steps, you can efficiently set up and manage Pass/Fail measurements in Qualer, allowing for smooth workflows, accurate data, and clear measurement results.

If you need any assistance, our support team is always available to help!