- Enhanced tool range selection for better user experience.
Auto-Select Single Range: If only one range matches your measurement unit, it’s automatically selected.
Cleaner Display: Matching ranges are shown first and otther units are hidden under "more options..." (click to view).
No Matching Unit If no ranges match your unit, the list opens automatically. Message displayed: "No matching ranges in <unit name>".
- Introduced a new compact date format (ddMMMyyyy HHmm).
- The Uncertainty engine now supports influence parameters within measurement forms with added calculation functions.
- Improved asset maintenance tab to indicate reasons for crossed-out service dates.
- Extended calculations for channel-level uniformity analysis with customizable Pass/Fail criteria. When the new checkbox is checked, a "Column Options" section will appear under the Display / Acceptance tab.
- This section includes the following options:
Column Options:- Display column Mean Value
- Display column Coefficient of Variation
- Display column Standard Deviation
- Display column Range
- Display column Delta
- Uncertainty custom fields display the field name for better readability.
- Expanded asset maintenance plan export to include the next service date from the last asset service record.
- Additional certificate dataset fields were added to support new functionalities.
Bug Fixes:
- The Service Level selection button for maintenance plans now correctly shows as disabled when a vendor is not assigned.
- Fixed truncation issue with the default leading "0" in quantity/time entry for charges.
Resolved issue with currency not updating in product parts price. - Added handling to prevent duplication in As Found/As Left tabs.
- Improved notification stability and behavior.
- Fixed visual bug in product type dropdown causing overflow to the next row.
- Change management for asset attributes now defaults to the previous value when updating.