*This is a "Feature Updates" article. If you need to get actual instructions, please go here.

Users have the ability to create user groups based on skill (e.g. "ISO Certified Technicians") and assign these groups to various service levels and options. This limits the selection of technicians by service levels and service options. Note: groups must first be created by following this article: https://qualer.freshdesk.com/a/solutions/articles/6000244366

Go to Administration > Service Capabilities > click on x service level(s) to open a service level. Click on a service level name and go to the Skills tab. Choose a group from the drop down then Add. Multiple groups can be added.

By clicking on the people icon, you can see what employees are in that group. If there is a minimum number of people that must work on a certain service level, type the number in. When complete, click OK. The particular service level can now be worked on by only the selected group(s) with the minimum number of assignees (if set).