*This is a "Feature Updates" article. If you need to get actual instructions, please go to the "Client Asset Manager" article.

A new module that allows to view and filter all client assets on the same screen, create work orders, and export selections to Excel.

Feature ID: 36171

Feature Description: Client Asset Manager

Use Case: This is a new module that allows Vendors to view and filter all client assets on the same screen. Originally, client assets were only viewable by navigating to a specific client account. With this update, Vendors can more effectively review assets across clients and communicate with their clients regarding their assets.

To view Client Asset Manager

Hover over Service

Click on Managed Assets

To find a specific asset, click inside the “search assets...” search bar above your Toolbox on the right of your screen.  By selecting this bar, a text cursor will appear allowing you to search by typing the asset’s serial number or asset tag number and hitting enter.  You can also search by the asset’s bar code by scanning it while the text cursor is present.

Group Filters

In addition to this "search assets" option, you can also refine your asset table by using the filters at the top of the page.

These filters are best used for finding assets based on groupings and/or generated during asset registration or from the editing of the asset profile information.

Here you can refine your asset table by either selecting a filter and scrolling through its dropdown options.

Or by typing within the filter to minimize the options displayed. Filters can be combined to further refine the search.

The following filters are defined by Qualer and can either be added manually to the asset profile, or can be created automatically setting up a new asset:


Product Type

Service Site

Account Representative

Client Country

The following filters should be created and customized by your company to meet your organizational needs, and then assigned to assets by editing the asset profile:

Client Class

Client Category

Client Invoicing

Client Standing


To remove single filter parameters, click the "x" to the right of the filter.  To clear your entire filter search parameters simply select "reset filters."

Asset Status Folders

The Asset filter folders on the left side of the Client Asset Manager screen can be used to refine your assets table depending on their status. Click on the folders to review a list of all assets that fall within the category selected. In each folder, you can select individual assets by clicking the adjacent check-mark.  Or select all the assets displayed on the page by selecting the check-mark at the top of the table.

Once the assets are selected, use the links to the right-side of the screen to create a new work order, export assets to a report, or send email communication to clients about the selected assets. 

Sending Client Emails

This added feature allows vendors to communicate to their clients regarding specific selection of assets. An example of such communication is sending a recall notice to multiple clients for assets that are becoming due for service in the next month.

The drop down list should contain the Custom option (which opens a blank email template) and the following additional direct communication templates:

Client Communication - Asset Service Due (default for Due For Service filter)

Client Communication - Asset Service Overdue (default for Past Due filter)

Client Communication - Asset Warranty Notice (default for Warranty Expiration filter)

Client Communication - Asset Service Follow Up (default for all other filters)

These templates should be registered and appear in the Direct Communications tab of the Notification Settings screen:

The default content of the templates should contain a table with a list of assets, where actual selected assets will be populated from the Client Asset Manager selection. Once the template is selected, the preview window should appear.

When "Send" button is clicked, each client company affected by the current asset selection should receive an email with their list of assets.