Feature ID: 35511

Feature Description: Extended custom fields  

Use Case: Extended functionality of custom fields was developed to support new features like having influence quantities in uncertainty budgets and capturing information on certain conditions (e.g. on Fail).  New custom fields can also be configured to be displayed above or below the measurements fields as well as to appear or disappear based on certain pass/fail criteria. Custom fields can also be pre-populated (text or drop down) when certain service options are selected. As well, these custom fields can be required to answer 

An example of this feature could be if you want a vendor/technician to provide some context as to why a device failed a measurement test.  

Additionally, you could elect to have a custom field above the measurement to set up devices or variables that aren’t necessarily being measured directly. Such as measure AC voltage, which measures voltage and frequency. You may include a custom field above if proper equipment needs to be set up in anticipation of running these test. 

Click Administration

Click Service Capabilities

Select the desired Instrument Category

Select the desired Service Category

Click Measurements

Click the desired Measurement

Click Custom Fields

Click Add New Field

To adjust, click Position and select the desired position

To define values set in Valid Values, to require Click Require Star

The custom field will then be visible in the assigned position in all affiliated work orders containing that service level/measurement. 

All information about:

- Custom Fields and Service Levels you can find here