*This is a "Feature Updates" article. If you need to get actual instructions, please go here
Feature ID: 30186
Feature Description: Automatic generation of the reports
Use Case: As a vendor I want certain reports to be generated automatically in response to the change of order status or work item status. This should improve efficiency of my work. Users also want to be able to disable manual generation of some types of reports. In accord with automatic generation, users can make it so that certain documents appear only in certain situations. For example, when order is delayed, a special report is generated for missing parts. Or when the order is completed, the invoice is generated.
To configure automatic generation of reports, navigate to your Administration Module and then Service Levels.
Once there, proceed to the Report Definitions tab and select your desired Service Level. After the pop-up appears, navigate to the Automation tab.
On this page the user has two options:
- Disallow manual generation (hide from selection list)
- Autogenerate on a status change to
The first option Disallow manual generation will hide the report from all Work Orders containing that Service Category.
The second option, Autogenerate on status change to, will automatically generate the selected report once it has achieved the designated status. In this scenario, the ISO 17025 Calibration Cert will be automatically generated once the order is completed. You can select as many statuses you desire.