Feature ID: 27788

Feature Description: Dedicated report generation service

Use Case: Qualer changed the existing synchronous report generation process, where the user waits for the report to finish generation, to an asynchronous generation queue serviced by a separate report service. All report generation requests are submitted to the generation queue. The report generation status is displayed on each report generation request along with the in-progress animation. Once completed, a link to the report becomes available. Multiple report generation services can work on the report queue to improve report delivery speed.

In previous versions, users had to wait for a report to finish generating before they could leave the page. With this update, reports can be initiated and will continue to be generated if the user browses to another page.

Thus, making report generation a streamlined process. If needed, the user can cancel the report while it is generating.

To view this feature, go to an existing Service Order. On the right side of the screen, you can see a Documents button. 

When you click on the Documents button, all the existing generated reports will appear. As well, you can upload documents or download certificates.

If we click on a report, it will begin generating the report.

Now that the report is being generated, the user can browse to another area of the system without ending the generating of the report.  

Additionally, if the user would like to cancel the generation of the report, they can click on the toolbar adjacent to the report and cancel the generation.

Once the report has been generated, you will see that the report has a Section, in this example, the Certification falls under General. If we click on another document we’d like to generate, we can now see the Service Invoice is under the Invoices section.

If the user would like to delete a report, they can click on the toolbar icon and proceed accordingly.

Next, we will focus on the Order Detail View and then by scrolling down to the Order Reports section.

User Reports are colored light blue, while others are a darker shade of blue. Reports that have been generated are light blue, whereas report titles that are darker have yet to be generated.

If a user would like to upload a document, they can do so by clicking Upload Documents. 

Once the user selects the document they would like to select, they can define the Report Type.

Once you select the Report Type, that Report will appear in that Section of the Work Order screen.