*This is a "Feature Updates" article. If you need to get actual instructions, please go to the "Qualer Excel" article.

Feature ID: 26255

Feature Description: Integration with Excel forms

Use Case: As a vendor, I want to be able to use custom Excel forms during calibration events to collect data beyond the current capabilities of measurement forms. We need to be able to associate Excel files with measurements and then launch these Excel files from the fulfillment interface. When Excel file is opened from the work order, it should know how to save the data back into the work order via a special "Store in Qualer" tool ribbon button.

This feature requires the installation of the Qualer. Excel add-in on the technician's computer and only works in Windows.

Go to the Work Orders module and download the excel application titled “Install Qualer.Excel add-in”

Once downloaded, go to the Service Levels within the Administration Module. Then select the Measurements tab.

Select the desired measurement, and click on the Custom Fields tab. From here, reference the desired Excel document.

Open a Work Order using the same Instrument Category.  When referencing the measurement that we linked the excel spreadsheets to; the linked spreadsheet is available. Click the Spreadsheet.

Once opened, the spreadsheet will have a Qualer Store icon in the toolbar.

Add the desired changes in the XLS and click save and the Qualer Store button. Once saved, the changes will appear in the Work Order.

Go back to the Work Order, click Labels & Reports, and the updated form will appear.