As a service provider or asset owner, you now have the ability to skip an interval for your customer's assets (or your own) if necessary. For example, if the equipment gets serviced every quarter (Jan, April, July, Oct), you have the ability to skip April and then get re-notified in July. This will prevent assets from remaining in your “Past Due” folder for 6 months and also ensure you get notified on the next increment.
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Begin, by entering your “Asset Manager” from your ASSETS module.
Note: As a service provider, you can also skip an interval for your client’s assets. (Begin by selecting “Manage Clients” from your SERVICE Module and entering the “Past Due” folder).
Next, select your “Past Due” folder from the options on the left-side of your screen. Then, click on the “Serial Number” of the asset who’s service interval you want to skip.
Now, choose the “Maintenance” tab and click on the “Calendar Icon”.
Next, select the check box next to “Reset Service Date”. Then you will need to choose the “Service Task” you would like to skip as well as the “Next Service Date” you would like to be notified on.
Once you click “OK”, the “Next Service Due Date” for your asset will update and reflect the date you entered on the previous window.
This asset will also no longer be in your “Past Due” folder.