To give you more control over how you process service we have added two new features to your workflow: “Scheduling and Vendor Sign off”.

After selecting the administration tab, select “Select Workflows” from the menu on the left. You will now see three tabs for different workflows. Select the “Work Order Flow” to view these steps.


Note: Just as with previous steps in your workflow, you will be able to skip the step, require the step, require completion with user affirmation, or require completion with password verification



Now as a vendor, once you accept a work order, it will go to “Scheduled” rather than “fulfillment”. If you create an order on behalf of your client, then it will go straight to “Scheduled” unless this step is skipped in the work order (if skipped then order will go straight into fulfillment). Once in scheduling, it will appear to your client that the order is in “fulfillment”. As the vendor, you can move the order to fulfillment or delay the order from scheduling. 



Following Quality Control (or completion if the QC step is not required), the order will now go to our second new feature: Vendor Sign-Off. Rather than seeing a generic “Waiting for Sign-Off” step, you as the vendor will now be able to sign-off the order before it is sent back to the client for their sign-off. This will give you the time to produce the proper certificates and signatures required for the order. While in this stage, the order will appear as complete to your client (full battery). During this step, you as the vendor will be able to either submit the order to the client (meaning everything is in order on your end) or return the order back to QC (if there is a problem with the order).





Client Account Stickers 

As a vendor, you will now be able to add specific notes, regarding your clients’ assets, orders, and accounts. 

To access this feature, begin by selecting the “Service” tab then select “Manage Clients”. Next you will need to select a specific client.


In the right-hand portion of your screen you should now see three different tabs: Assets, Orders, and Account. By clicking the “(+)” below the tabs, you will be able to add a tag or note for that tab. Once you have added a note for one of the tabs, a yellow or pink (depending on the color note you chose) bar will appear under the name of the tab. Additionally, the (+) will be replaced by your note. 


Note: Once you have created a note you can easily delete by selecting the note, clicking “Clear” in the left corner and selecting “Save”. You will now return to the original screen and have a (+) in place of the note. 



Employee Titles 

As a vendor, you will be able to add a “title” to each of your employees. To add a title to an employee, begin by selecting the administration tab at the top of your portal. Next, you will select “Employees” on the left-hand side of your screen.


Then select the name of the employee to whom you would like to add a title.  After entering the title for your employee, click “Save” and you will return to your employee list and see the new title next to your employee’s name. 





Notify when Service Levels Don't Match Maintenance Plans 

As a vendor, you will be notified with an orange warning triangle if your client chose a service level that is not one that is assigned in the maintenance plan for that asset.

For example, if the service type selected is “Pipette Calibration” and the service level associated with that maintenance plan is “bronze standard,” if your client was to select “gold premium” you would be notified with a warning triangle. This would indicate to you they chose a service level different than that designated by the maintenance plan. 



Note: Additionally, under “serial number/tag/user” we have added icons to represent the asset (single box icon) or a multicomponent system (3 box icon). We have also added a person icon under “fulfilled by”. 



As the vendor, this will now allow you to view individual items from multiple orders in one table rather than having to click the order to view the individual items in it. First, begin by going into your service tab and selecting “work items”. You will now see a window like this. These items have all been assigned to an order, but are available for you to see individually without clicking into each order. 



Note: If you would like to access the order that the item is in, click the “blue arrow” in the right corner under “order/client/account”. 


Unit Conversion in Qualer Sense 

As a vendor, you will be able to change the units Qualer Sense uses to match the units that are reported on certificates or in the room environment screen. 

To access this, begin by clicking the administration tab and selecting “sites”.


Now you will select, the site you would like to configure. Once you have selected a site, select “rooms” from the list of options on the left-hand portion of your screen. 



Next, we will select the room we are attempting to configure from the list of rooms you have registered on the portal. 



After entering the room, you will now see a table like the one below. With the drop down menus in the last column you can now change the units associated with each of the parameters of environment conditions. After you have updated the information, click the green “update” button to save these new settings. 



Note: Qualer Sense is a downloadable application that allows for automated environmental sensor integration. Contact for help configuring this tool. 


Client Upload Documents 

As a life science organization, you will now be able to import documents and attach them to an order either for your own records, for your vendor, or on behalf of your vendor. You can upload either order or item level documents on the order that your vendor is fulfilling. 

Begin by selecting “service requests” under the asset tab and selecting the request you would like to upload documents for. 





Once you have selected the service request, you can upload documents easily using your toolbox to the right of your screen. Click on “upload documents” and upload a document from your computer. The uploaded documents will appear under the “document list” in your toolbox.  





Automatic Tool Selection 

As a service technician, you will now be able to select a tool for use with multiple orders or assets. You can select the tool for: One Time (default), Current Asset, Current Order, Login Session, Today Only, or All Orders.

To access this feature, begin by entering a work order. Under the service tab, select “work orders”.





After selecting the work order you would like to service, you will enter a new page. Here to begin the order select “order detail view”. 



You will now be able to access the individual items in the order. Begin by selecting the item you would like to assign a tool to. 


After selecting the item, we will be redirected to the “checklist” for the order. Click the orange “commence work” button and begin servicing the product. Click “as found” to move to the next step. 



After commencing work, we can now input tool information. Next to select primary tool, choose the drop down menu under “apply tool selection to”. Now you will be able to assign a single tool for a variety of different parameters. After selecting a tool, you may complete the order per your normal workflow. 



Quick Order Navigation 

As a technician, you will now be able to easily navigate between various items in an order and individually assign a work status on the item.

Begin by selecting “Work Orders” under the service tab on your dashboard. Once you have entered the work order screen, select one of your current orders by clicking on the order number.




Next, you will click the green “Order Detail View” button on the right-hand side of your screen.





After entering the order detail view, you will now be able to pull information regarding each of the assets in this order. Click on the blue “Select” button next to the item you would like to access first.





Now you will be able to enter specific information about the status of this asset. Rather, than having to return to the entire order to view the different items in the order, you will be able to quickly navigate between items using the arrows.





Note:  If the order is very large, rather than using the arrows to move item to item, you may also enter the serial number or tag for the asset you are trying to access in the text box. This feature will now allow you to individually input the work status on individual items within a larger order, rather than having one status for the entire order. 


Reasoning Behind Cancelled Orders 

As the vendor, now when you cancel an order you are required to capture the reason for the cancellation prior to cancelling. The cancellation reason will appear in the client’s status block, updating them on the reasoning behind the order’s cancellation. 

To access this feature, begin by entering your work order. First, under the service tab select “work orders” and then select a specific order. 



After selecting, the order we will be redirected to a new screen with information regarding our order. If you would like to cancel the order, you will access this feature in the toolbox to your right under “send email”. Click on the “cancel order” button to complete this task. 



After selecting, “cancel order” you will have a new window pop-up which will allow you as the vendor to explain to your client your reasoning behind canceling this order. After typing out your reasoning, select “ok” to send this information to your client. 





Now when you are redirected to your oder, the status in your toolbox will read “cancelled”. 



Indicator to My Tasks 

As a service technician, you will now be able to see how many tasks are specifically assigned to you in the header upon logging in. 






As an asset manager (Life Science or Vendor), you will now be able to apply notes or status updates to multiple items in the order without selecting the entire order.

Begin by choosing “work orders” under the service tab and selecting the order you would like to work on. 



Next, you will begin inputting information regarding the order. Under “work details” you can select the check marks to select your assets. After selecting the assets, you will be able to carry out the following action on the assets in your order:

  • Return to parent order
  • Delete the assets from the order
  • Move assets to another order
  • Bulk-edit service comments
  • Bulk-reset result status
  • Bulk- assign technician  



Once you have completed any actions regarding the assets, you can complete processing the order.