Feature ID: 35519
Feature Description: Additional measurement form options
Use Case: We decided to expand our existing measurement form options as a result of customer feedback we’ve received since our last release; there are 6 new measurement form options that have been unveiled.
*This is a "Feature Updates" article. If you need to get actual instructions, please go to the "Measurement Forms" article.
1. Allow measurements without PASS/FAIL criteria
Description: We understand that some data test points don't warrant a PASS/FAIL outcome. When no criteria is set, a special status 'DONE' is assumed upon completion of that data entry.
2. Calculate Range & Delta values and check them against the specification
Description: After entering the readings, the Range and Data fields will be calculated.
RANGE - Difference between low & high readings
DELTA - Difference between mean & furthest reading
3. Allow foreign data to be inserted via API into the work item(s)
Description: Qualer is able to integrate with a handful of devices and can pull readings from these devices.
4. Allow measurement specifications to Fit/Force the number and nominal values of measurement points
FORCE: The number of points is driven by the specification. When a specification is selected, Qualer will match Function with Measurement name (in Service Levels). If it finds a match, Qualer will clear out the measurement lines and will create a line for each nominal.
Description: If we have a single measurement parameter for temperature but we don’t know if the measurement is supposed to be in meters or inches, then when the specification is selected, the measurement will pull directly from the specification.
FIT: After a specification has been selected, Qualer will clear everything else from the form.
Description: If I am servicing a Centrifuge and the 3 primary tests are temperature, frequency and time but when I show up at the job site the centrifuge doesn’t have a temperature control. Rather than having to adjust custom fields or SPEC itself. When the order is created it will have all measurements listed but if Qualer can’t locate all matching measurements then the unmatched measurements will be removed.
5. Ability to control significant figures in addition to decimal points in the calculated and displayed values
Decimal Places:
Decimals settings will be applied to readings and calculated values (CV %, Std Dev., etc.)
Decimal Places can now be:
Defined in the Work Order
Force Decimal Places
Pulled from Asset Attribute
Pulled from Tool Attribute
Significant Figures:
Significant figures can be defined as each of the digits of a number that are used to express it to the required degree of accuracy, starting from the first nonzero digit.
Thus, if significant figures are defined then Decimal Places will be disregarded but they will still be applied to calculated values.
6. Save and delete empty fields
Description: Rather than having to delete empty fields within a WO line-by-line, this feature will eliminate measurements if they are not defined in the specification.
1. Allow measurements without PASS/FAIL criteria
Click Administration
Click Service Capabilities
Select the desired Instrument Category
Select the desired Service Category
Click Measurements
Click the desired Measurement
Click Display/Acceptance
Ensure that no checkboxes are selected under Pass/Fail Criteria section
2. Calculate Range & Delta values and check them against the specification
Click Administration
Click Service Capabilities
Select the desired Instrument Category
Select the desired Service Category
Click Measurements
Click the desired Measurement
Click Display/Acceptance
Within the Precision/Variation section, ensure that 'Display Range' and/or 'Display Delta' are selected
Within a Work Order containing that Instrument Type and Service level, the Range and Delta fields will appear
4. Allow measurement specifications to Fit/Force the number and nominal values of measurement points
Hover over Products, click Product Specification
Select the desired Product Specification
Click Edit
Within the specification, click select Force Specification and/or Fit Specification
Click Save
5. Ability to control significant figures in addition to decimal points in the calculated and displayed values
Click Administration
Click Service Capabilities
Select the desired Instrument Category
Select the desired Service Category
Click Measurements
Click the desired Measurement
Click Readings/Standards
Define the Decimal Places and/or Significant Figures field(s) as you see fit
6. Save and delete empty fields
Go to a Work Order
Click As Found or As Left
Click Edit Specification
Click Save & Delete Empty